Friday, April 11, 2008

two days' poems

I'm a day behind on the Poem A Day Challenge. I got hung up on the prompt for day 9, which was to choose a word and write about it. It took me forever to choose a word. Yeeks. So going backward, here are the poems for days 9 and 10:

April 10: write about a place

Waddell Creek Beach

At dawn the ocean
gray begins to lighten
its drumbeat of waves
light on sand
meant only for walking.
The slow slap of water
awakens the memory
of your eyes as you sat
on a log that seemed
so out of place.
I see you clearly
even two decades later.

April 9: write about a word


The problem
with writing a poem about one word
is finding just the right word
because not any word will do.
It must be a word that sings
or creaks or seeks to evoke
an emotion deep in the gut,
a word that tickles in the throat
or hums with sweet nostalgia.
It can't be just an ordinary word
plucked haphazardly from anywhere
because a poem is better than that.

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