Monday, April 14, 2008

three days' poems

The Poem A Day Challenge marches on..... and I have had two of my poems highlighted by the blog owner who's running this thing. The two are "Always a Mom" and "Kindergartner"... both of which I particularly like. Here are the three for the last three days:

April 13: respond to a song

When I’m 64

I must remember to remind
my children not to let me
wear white anklets and plastic shoes
not to mention a flowered muu-muu
even when no one is at home.

April 12: “I’m sorry” poem

“Sorry” has a double edge
for, truth be told, we make
our choices consciously
for good or bad. Still,
no atonement can undo the way
I turned your life inside out
in order to live my own,
nor would I have been able
to do differently.

April 11: something interesting to me
or something usually overlooked


In autumn the acorns
fall from black oaks
some are squirreled away
to undisclosed locations
others roll down the driveway
into the street
most find their way into
crevices and accidental furrows
randomly scattered in the yard
we push them into soft dirt
on our way to the woodpile
stacking our heat for winter
when it rains, they settle slightly
into concave beds and then
in spring the tiny shoots emerge
probe upward and then down
into the soggy soil
until they are strong enough
to raise the acorns off the ground
to begin the year's new seedlings.

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